Seasonal Intentions

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Sunshine in a glass

Sunshine in a glass aka Fresh Mint and Lime Half-and-Half.

A fresh twist on a classic favorite, this half mint tea and half limeade uses fresh mint, limes and maple syrup for a refreshing sip in the late-Summer heat.

Limes have a cooling effect on the body Lemons actually warm you up due to their sour taste. Although Limes taste sour, they have are an exception to the sour= warming rule.

Mint is well-known for its cooling properties and this wild mint is super minty.

Maple syrup also cools with its sweet taste. Stay away from honey in the late-Summer. Despite its sweetness, it too is an exception and too much of it can warm you up instead of cooling you down.

Bunch of fresh mint
Juice of 3 limes
1/4 - 1/2 cup maple syrup to taste

Bring mint to a boil in a large covered sauce pan with 8 cups water. Turn off heat and let sit for at least 10 minutes. Strain mint tea into pitcher. Add lime juice and watch the color change! Stir in Maple syrup. Let it cool completely in the fridge before serving.

Happy August!