Seasonal Intentions

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The King of all fruit

Of all the fruits, grapes are best, says Ayurveda, Yoga’s sister science.

It helps balance Vata and Pitta dosha which are prevalent right now in the transition from Summer to Fall.

In the early Fall days, a lot of us have an excess buildup of Pitta in our bodies, the firey dosha prevalent in Summer. Too much heat = drying out. Add in more Vata, the dry, cool dosha prevalent in Fall (and Winter) and you can tend to feel a little frazzled and fried.

Grapes to the rescue! They can help draw out excess heat in the body, strengthen the mind and tonify the tissues.

Ayurveda doesn’t condone snacking, but fruit is a great exception. Eat grapes and other fruit alone.

They’re also super tasty cooked with star anise or a pinch of cardamom, which also makes them easier to digest. (The bitter skins don’t agree with everyone unless cooked.)

I’m so excited to snack on these local Michigan table grapes! Can you find some local varieties to savor while they’re in season?!

Nothing is forever. Enjoy the season!