CCF Digestive Tea

CCF stands for “Cumin, Coriander and Fennel.” This is a classic Ayurveda recipe that helps not only ease digestion, but prepares your system for food when you drink it before a meal. In this case, drink a small cup 30 minutes before your eat.

If you eat too much or experience digestive discomfort after eating, try a small cup after your meal.

1 Tbsp Cumin seed

1 Tbsp Coriander seed

1 Tbsp Fennel seed

1 quart water

Add seeds and water to a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and serve warm or at room temperature.

Fun herb fact: With seeds like cumin, coriander and fennel, you could probably get a few batches of tea out of the same seeds. Simply add more water and boil it up again.


The Ayurvedic Clock


The antidote to stress may be at your feet.