How to make Ghee

Ghee! It’s one of the purest most healing foods and you can make it yourself. It’s so simple. Use it like you would butter, or to cook with instead of oil. It can tolerate high heat, and you’ll get all the healing properties of ghee into your gut.

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Homemade Ghee:

Add 4 sticks butter to pot on medium heat (uncovered). Once melted (about 5minutes), turn to low heat.
It will start the bubble. This is all the water in the butter evaporating. (Yes there’s water in butter.) Stay with the pot. Do not walk away!

When the bubbles get big and the popping sounds are less frequent, turn off heat and let sit for about 15 minutes. Strain with a mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove solids, and pour into clean jar.

Let cool for about an hour or so, and you’ll have what looks like liquid gold!


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