The best herb for Resilience

Peppermint represents resilience in Nature. Mint can pretty much grow anywhere. And sometimes in places we’d rather not have it, as gardeners well know.

I mean look at it growing through the sand and rocks under the dock on the lake’s shoreline!

Any attempt to pull it out reveals an incredible web of resilience. It sends out shoots that travel under or above ground, may weave through tall grasses in order to find its next spot to sprout and flourish. Grow it in a pot if you prefer to (try to) corral the awesomeness.

The more I come to know this magic herb, the more I believe resilience grows within me each time I drink its tea.

“A cup a day” gleans many other benefits as well:
🌱 decongestant- breaks up mucus in respiratory tract
🌱 aids in digestion
🌱 relieves bloating
🌱 energizing - great coffee alternative
🌱 soothes the skin
🌱 cooling effect on the body on a hot day
🌱 reduces allergy response
🌱 antibacterial
🌱 helps remove plaque buildup in teeth
🌱 calming scent soothes nerves

Spearmint, chocolate mint, ginger mint… there are so many varieties, but I believe Peppermint is Queen! It can taste quite strong so find one you like. They all carry the same great benefits.


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