Experience creates enthusiasm

experience, enthusiasm, inspiration, just do it, live life, happiness, grateful, move, practice, yoga, meditation

Unless you do the thing, you won’t know how it makes you feel. It’s an awesome viscous cycle you can use to your benefit.

I hear from so many people: oh I love the feeling I get after I ________ (insert “thing here, meditation, yoga, run, hike in the woods, swim in the ocean). And yet they have trouble making time to do the thing that makes them feel amazing.

So what’s the trick? Just do it!

You can sit and ponder all day long but unless you get up and do it - whatever “it” is - your body won’t experience the feelings that come only from doing the thing. And the more your body feels those awesome feelings, the more it wants to do it again.

It’s like a kid who says, “again!” Whenever you push them on the swing.

Do it. Then do it again!

Are you ready now?!? Go do your thing!

What are you waiting for? Start with some of these free resources to get on your mat, moving and meditating today.


My Signature Strength Move


Spring Kitchari